Saturday, December 31, 2005

Thought I'd put some Hawaii pics up, many of you never saw them. The first one is Sean with his friend, Mr. Swan. That was at the place we stayed. The next one is, obviously, the kayaking trip. It was great fun, except for that wierd and painful infection I picked up, on my toe. The third picture is Jake sitting in a sort of , knarled tree, at a beach up North. Doesn't he look thrilled.

Now that I found the card for my camera, I'll take some new and delightful pictures. Good ole Jeff got the computer running, but he fears it's time for a new one (cha-ching$$$) yikes.
posted by: Amy


Friday, December 30, 2005


Hi. Nothing new for now, we are experiencing technical difficulties. Don't worry, Jeff, our computer fixer-uper guy is on the job.

Monday, December 26, 2005

More Christmas

Here is Nash freeing himself after Uncle John put him in a box and closed the lid. "They" were right, the box IS the best part of the gift. Many thanks to Kathy G. (mom-mom) for her photographic prowess and being kind enough to email me her photos.

(note: looks like Jeff just had a good idea)

Christmas Day

Sean was up about 6am, way too early for me. I think we joined him about 7am. It was a frenzy of wrapping paper and gifts - he had a great time.

My mom and Danny stopped by, and spent most of the day with us. John was first on the scene, but was able to allude the camera somehow. We saw Nicole and Nash, Cathy and Ernie, and our neighbors, the Heins. All you no-shows know who you are!!! Jeff cooked some spicy cajun food and everybody seemed happy. All in all, it was a great Christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Log Cake

Here are some pictures of the very Beautiful and Creative Christmas Log Cake Amy created for Nan's Annual Christmas Eve Party.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Scarlet and Yoda looking out the back door.

Yoda under the Candy Tree.

Yoda Fishing!

New Kitchen Counter

Here are some Pictures of our new
Kitchen Counter and Cookbook
book shelf.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 22, 2005

Here is a picture of the wonderful Mr. May May. He vanished in May 2005, it was a sad day. I'm hoping one day he'll come home - stranger things have happened. Sean had his Christmas party at school today, and I had the joy of setting up the food. The grapes were a big hit, the carrots not so much. So please, everyone who comes over on Christmas, please eat the carrots!!