Sunday, July 20, 2008

Miss Thing

Kylie came to visit today, even though she had a cold and didn't feel so great. We were so glad to see that baby!!! Here she is showing her beautimous tummy.

Here she is showing Jeff how she can stand on her own two feet as Fran looks on.

Pretty pretty face!!!


Sean at the airport on our way home. boo hoo

Jeff and Sean snorkling (again!).

Two Hawaiian guys playing music and singing at the airport. They did all native music. That weird contortionist guy with the underarm is distracting.

Another cliff jumper at the falls.

Sean at Keoki's paradise. It's a cute restaurant near where we stayed.

Sean resting.

Sean at Glass Beach. This was a beautiful beach near a former dump. The sand glitters with tiny pieces of broken glass that have been worn down by the sea.


I didn't take many pictures in Hawaii. I guess it was too much like work - plus, my dumb camera lens cover kept getting stuck. Anyway, the few I took are listed here.

Here is Sean swimming at the bottom of a waterfall. He had to jump off a cliff to get in the water.

The beach and mountains on the North Shore of Kauai.

Here is a guy jumping off the rope swing at the waterfall. There were two fat Hawaiian guys in the water drinking beer and critiquing each jump. They heckled a little bit too.

Sean snorkling. (He did a TON of snorkling at different beaches.)

The view from our condo. Poipu Beach was a one minute walk away.


This was at Lydgate Beach Park on the west side. The beach is formed into two pools by rings of lava rocks. Inside the pool are lots of fish and the water is super calm and fun to swim in. (No sharks!)

Another view of the mountains up north toward the Na Pali Coast.

This might be too small to see, but there is a monk seal lying in the sand in the center of the pic. He looked just like Tangles.

Sean on our first day at Lydgate. We were on our way to the grocery store so we weren't in our suits.