Sunday, May 17, 2009

Calvert Cliffs

We took a daytrip to Calvert Cliffs on Saturday. The weather was perfect. Sean brought his friend Justin, and they had fun on the playground. There were cool tires contraptions to play on and a zipline.

We took a 2 mile "hike" to beach/cliffs. Here are Nan and Jeff looking for fossils. Nan was bummed because she didn't find anything good. The pesky megladon has eluded her again.

Being sisters looks like fun. At least these two have fun.

Sean and Justin were gracious enough to stop whatever they were doing so I could take their picture.

The Cliffs were pretty. The temperature of the water was perfectly chilly, which was great because it was sort of hot outside. Here, you will see Sara and Kathy chatting each other up.

We haven't picnic'd in a long while - we made a vow to do it more often.

All in all, a wonderful day.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Sean just finished his 8 week fencing course at St. Anne's School. The last class was an elimination competition. Guess who won?

If you guessed Sean - then you are right.

He won every bout against every kid in the class. I think there were 7 students total. The girl he is fencing with here, was stiff competition. She was really fast and had good form. She had taken the class before, so she had more experience too. She was super good and very cute.

I don't know how they can see thru those masks.

Sean's teacher is encouraging him to take lessons at St. John's college this summer. He will if it fits into his schedule.

Fencing.........who knew?

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Baby Birds

A mama bird made a little nest in our shed. She chose a small galvenized bucket that I had hanging on the wall. One week ago, the nest held pink speckled eggs. Now, it holds, what looks to be, 4 baby birds.

The bucket was up higher than I could reach, so I just aimed the camera, pushed the button and hoped for the best.

These babies are very quiet, except when the mama flies in with food for them. I'll try to get another pic at the end of the week to see if they have grown.

Does anyone know what happens to the eggshells after the birds hatch?