Thursday, May 20, 2010


Move along, nothing to see here....just an innocent rainbow cake minding it's own business. Go on now, get outta here you.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Let someone eat cake!

This morning started off with a quick trip to the post office to mail Jake a package. Thank goodness for flat rate shipping boxes.

I then moved on to fondant rolling. This stuff just doesn't like me - we battled and the fight ended in a draw.

I was able to wrestle it onto the cakes but it stretched and cracked........

in retaliation, I airbrushed it. That shut it up for good.

This is what I ended up with. Cake is good.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


I am making a cake today - here is a giant bowl of butter (2.5 lbs).

Here are the cakes, crumb coated and ready to settle in the fridge for the night.

Here is a close up of one of the flowers. Don't judge - they were DIFFICULT!!

Ribbon trimmed cake board with flowers and butterflies.

SPS system - hopefully, this will keep the cake upright on the ride to it's new home.
So, everything will shake down tomorrow - wish me luck with this.