Sean graduated from Cub Scouts today, at the annual Blue & Gold Ceremony. At left, is Sue (wearing black). She is the life force behind Pack 853, meaning, she keeps it all running and organized. Basically, a full-time job, for zero pay. Next to her, is Sharon, who is in charge of the awards. Another time consuming job, that pays no better than the other one. The man on the side is our new Cub Master. It almost looks like he's silently pleading for a reprieve from his new position.

Here is Sean showing off his Arrow Of Light award. He is holding an actual arrow shaft, that I painted symbols on, to match his Cub Scout achievements. Now, he's been in this for 5 long years, so I had a lot of painting to do.

Here is Sean enjoying that cupcake a bit too much. I guess you're never too old to stick your nose in icing. Shawn is looking at his, like he's not sure he should eat it or not.

The pack, very graciously, awarded all departing leaders with wonderful gifts. Janet, Vicki and myself, received a beautiful pot of tulips. Bob and Roy each got cool walking sticks. It was so nice of the pack to recognize the departing leaders. Also, those tulips look fabulous on my hall entry table. Thanks Sue!!!

Here are the 5 Webelo 2's, aiming their arrows of achievement. The poor man on the right looks terrified. In the back is Roy, performing his last duties as Cubmaster of Pack 853.

Here are the 3 who earned the "Heavy Shoulder" award. That means, they earned the max amount of badges possible, which happened to be 20. It was a lot of work. That's Jasper, Mz Vicki, Shawn, Mz Janet and Sean.