Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sean's Backpacking Trip 2

Well, since the blog would not let me continue in the previous blog posting I started another one to finish the story. So if you have not seen "Sean's Backpacking Trip 1", scroll down the page to see the beginning of the trip.

Well at our back country, we woke up to rain. There is nothing like breakfast on the trail in the rain. This is a picture of John cooking breakfast and Sean waiting to eat. Notice they our both still smiling. Well we were hoping the rain would stop after breakfast, so we could pack up and get on our way. Well it didn't.

The rain never let up, so we packed up in the rain and got started on the trail. Sean did a really good job hiking up hill in the rain. He stopped a few times on the trail to rest, but he never complained about the hike in the rain up hill.

Well here is the after picture. Sean did an excellent job backpacking. This was his first trip and says he enjoyed it. Maybe there will be more trips. Notice Sean is not smiling in this picture, I guest he had enough,

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sean's Backpacking Trip 1

Hello Everyone, Amy usually updates the blog, but since I was on the bakcpacking trip with Sean it may be easier for me to do this posting. (Jeff)

The first night Sean, his Uncle John, and myself setup camp at Big Meadows Camp Ground. Sean was put in charge of some important tasks. One of the task he completed was to build a fire. Sean gather most of the materials needed, and with those materials he was able to build his first ONE Match fire.

After eating dinner in the camp ground, we went on an evening hike into Big Meadow. There we saw many deer. Most of the Deer let Sean get very close to them. The deer in the background is a four point buck. After the hike, we sat around the fire for a little while, then Sean went to sleep in the tent. Then about 10:30 in the evening a thunder storm came by and forced John and myself into the tent, so we went to sleep as well.

The next day, the real hike began. This picture is the the before shot we always take before we go on any backpacking trip. The trail we chose is all down hill for the first day, which means the last day will be all up hill. See we are smiling now.

The first along the trail was Rose River Falls. At the Falls, we ate lunch and swimming under the Falls. The water was very cold.

After our swim, we put our gear on again and continued the hike down the trail. We walked down into the valley for about another half mile and then we went off the trail and headed to the back country. We didn't go real far, just enough to get away from the main trail. This picture is of our camp we setup in the back country. This camp sat above the river. It was just short walk down the bank to the river to get water.

July 15th

Ha, my pictures are way out of order. This photo was taken this morning at Homestead Gardens. Did Kathy just catch a fly?

Hi, sorry about the 2 week lag in posts. I was able to snap one pic of the 4th Parade, before my camera batteries went dead. Jake was riding in the fire truck, but we didn't see him because we were on the wrong side. Other than that, it was a pretty good parade. The dumb politicians really need to stay home next time, their heartless campaigning ruins it for me.

Homestead again, Nan is happy and Kathy approves.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

It's July

FINALLY, another post. Where do the days go? Tangles was helping me read the paper this morning, wasn't that nice of her? She is so darned cute.

Many of you responded with your guesses of "who is my worst enemy". I had some interesting answers, but Nan got it - the Japanese Beetle! It was hard to get a close up with my camera, but you can see the damage the beetle is doing to my rose. We go thru this every year, the beetles and I. They arrive, eat my roses, I kill them. This year I put out the traps and have only had to manually kill about 20. Usually, I off hundreds in a week (I am NOT exaggerating.)

Sean goes to camp tomorrow evening for, almost, a whole week. Here is a view from the dinning hall. He loves going, and it's only 2 minutes up the street from our house - very convenient.

Sean staggering under Tangles incredible bulk. Notice Mrs Butterworth came to visit (or is that Aunt Jememiah?)

My lace cap hydrangea has bloomed like crazy. The dumb camera did not capture the purple, blue and pink. That's what we get for being low budget I guess.