Hey everyone, sorry, no pics today. Just a quick update on what everybody is doing.
Jake had 4 wisdom teeth pulled out on Monday. All went well and he was back on his feet in no time. He was a bit loopy right after the Dr. finished, which was the best part for me. He is working toward graduation, taking EMT classes, working at the paint store and running a bingo night at the firehouse. Keeping busy agrees with him.
Sean is doing well in school, playing soccer, piano & finishing up an animation/movie class. We get to see the finished film this Wednesday. He has expressed an interest in taking fencing classes, so I'm checking into it. That seems like a good sport for him.
Jeff is in Texas for a bit. I don't want to be too specific with the details in case there are any robbers or murders reading my blog. Anyway, he has been busy working and coaching soccer and being an all around good guy.
As for me, I know nobody cares, but I'll just say that work is really cutting into my "ME" time. Sean and I are going to Hershey Park soon, with plans to join Jake, my mother and Danny, as well as many of our dear friends. We always have fun when we go there.
Scarlet is doing great. Yoda has completely recovered from his injury. The hard part is keeping him in the house, he's pretty crafty. Tangles seems to be happy and Fran is a pain, but cute.
Now that I have thoroughly bored you all, I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Be Kind,