My mother had a birthday dinner/lunch thing for me on Sunday. I only have this one, lone picture and I'm not even in it! Poor Shannon is blurry, but still cute. Jeff is mixing salad (with pink tongs) and Jake and Nan are loading up their plates. More stuff happened, but you'll have to check Sara's blog for pictorial proof.
Jeff and I found this lovely turtle on a walk. For some reason, Jeff determined he was thirsty and looking for water. Just how he knew this, I cannot explain. So, Jeff brought him home and set him on our outside table. Jeff and Sean stared at him for a bit before I took him and gave him some water.
Can't you see it in his eyes, "My kingdom for a drink of water. Please, I am so dry I cannot go on".
He had a bath and a drink and did, in fact, go on. We have not seen him since. Godspeed little turtle friend.