Many weeks ago, I took Sean, Shawn P. and Jesse to Deale carnival. Here is a picture of Jake's VFD friends. It seems as if the guy on the left is wearing a wizard hat, but he's not.

The middle school set "hanging out".
Also, what's up with the woman walking around with her hand in her back pocket? Does she think her ass is going to fly away! As if!

I snapped a pic of Jake spinning the wheel. He was working the gambling booth that night - a true carny in the making.

Sean and AJ in line for food. Sean broke out into an improvisational balancing act - too bad he wasn't wearing his mime costume.

Sean in a conversation with a questionable carny-folk individual. Perhaps he's offering him some smack, wack, rock or purple haze. Maybe he's commenting on the lovely weather, we'll never know for sure.

This is a photo of the rusty, death trap Sean insisted on riding over and over again.

Miz Debbie and Jake working the wheel and having a great time. I just noticed that Debbie is wearing a Lowe's apron.

Here is Shannon hard at work at something. Possibly a caricature of the happy couple?
To sum it up, everyone pictured had fun at the carnival. That does not include me.
posted by Amy