We had a small party for Sean on the evening of Jan. 10th for his 13th birthday. Here is a really cute picture of Jeff and Kylie.
These pictures are not in their proper order, but we'll live. Here is Sean opening his gifts.
Jeff dove right into the cake. He cut a HUGE slice for himself. This particular cake was a good one. It was chocolate layers with chocolate filling and vanilla almond buttercream. I added a bit of cream cheese to the icing - I highly recommend you try it.
The blowing out of the candles. I hope he made a wish.
Here is Sean helping to cook his dinner. He chose a stir-fry recipe which he made at his vo-tech cooking class last summer. It turned out perfect.
Shannon and Kylie looking happy.
Jake wearing a bib for some reason. I believe he is choking to death here.
Kylie is modeling one of the outfits we got her for Christmas. She looks good in everything. By the way, her ear does not stick out, it's just bent against her mom.
Sean playing with one of his gifts.
Back to opening presents.
I think Jake wants one of these now.
Fran was bored with the whole thing.
Jake decided to take a rest using Scarlet as a pillow. In turn, Kylie used Jake as a matress.
Jake went to Amish market and is showing off his large chunk of cow he bought. He looks like a deranged cannibal- he's a very good actor.
Yoda had fun playing with the string. He's aways up for a party.