Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Laser Tag

Sean was lucky enough to get an invite to Joe's cool Laser Tag birthday party on Saturday. All these neat barriers were set up for the kids to hide behind while they battled.

Sean must have had a good time because he was exhausted when he got home and slept most of the evening.

What a great idea for a party!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Cuteness

Since it's been raining so much, Kylie decided to wear her rain boots the other day.

The fact that she doesn't actually walk, did not stop her from being fashion forward.

Come on, aren't we all tempted to chew on our shoes every now and then?


We were lucky enough to snag another invite aboard Dave & Karol's sailboat last weekend. Jeff snapped a few pictures in between all the activity, but he was mostly helping them sail. I, on the other hand, should have been on camera duty since I did nothing but sit and enjoy.

Sean is actually sitting next to me - how embarrassing (for him).

A Happy Captain.

It was a beautiful day, I hope there will be more to come.

We got to meet the Wicker's dog and now I'm mad we didn't think to take a picture of him (he is super cute!).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

random photos

Here is a pic of Sean and his friend Nate at the Hershey Museum.

Here is Jake on his first day of work. Notice he's tagged on the hip with his Homeland Security Photo ID.

Playing dress-up.

Sean's head on that body looks so freakishly good it's Scary!


Here is one of Shannon's many beautiful grad pics. I wish the scanner had done a better job.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I am super behind on my postings (surprise!) so here is some spring-time stuff to tide you over.

I LOVE this pic of Kylie girl. She is in her jeans and looking oh-so coordinated and hip. Did I mention that I just love this baby??

Nan, here is a picture of the clematis and the irises we were talking about.

This is a snake-ee-poo I found wandering around the back yard. Sean tried to use 2 sticks to pick him up (a'la Steve Irwin) but the snake kept striking at him. It was actually pretty cool and I'm mad I didn't have the camera on me. By the time I got it, the snake had had enough and was in no mood for pictures. He was running away from me at this point. Good Riddance and don't come back sucker.