I thought I'd start my post-Scarlet blogging with an easy entry entitled Mixer Rehab. My mixer is a 30 year old Kitchenaid that I inherited from my mother. It was made by Hobart in the good ole USA and works like a dream. The only problem is the color. I almost fell asleep every time I used it...booooring. Of course now you can buy new ones in every color of the rainbow - but why would I when mine works so well? Oh and let me just say - not a lot of paint colors available in Rust-Oleum Enamel. I told Jeff the stoogy men on the "Paint Board" need to add some feminine color choices for us ladies. Maybe they can find the time between their cigar and brandy breaks.
After much sanding, taping, priming, spraying and sealing - here is the end result. It's not boring any more! The color is called Lagoon Blue. Overall I'm happy with it (I sort of want to do it again). This summer, I'll be the one combing yard sales for cast off mixers that I can bring current.
Until next time...so long people!