Monday, October 30, 2006

New Stove and Rug

My room looks ghetto here, but this is the new stove. We need to buy all the crap that goes with it, like tools and an expensive copper bucket to hold wood, but it works well, and is super warm.

Here is a shot of the new rug. I know, I know, it's not the typical "elegant oriental" but it's colorful and fun and 100% wool. And, since Mastercraft had their "going out of business" sale, the cost was dirt cheap (that's the best part).


Anonymous said...

Looks GREAT!

Melissa said...

I love the colors too! Actually, I need to know what paint that is. I need to paint my bedroom a yellow color and my bedspread is that same red color as your couch!! Please email me the paint color and brand when you get a chance!
love mo!