Friday, December 22, 2006

College Park Family Party

I am so behind on my postings. Last weekend, we went to Marty and Linda's for their annual family Christmas party. As always, they did a fantastic job - the house looked great, everyone brought good food, and fun was had by all. This pic was taken during the gift exchange.

Mary in toile.

Here's Brian, DJ, Kay, Dunny and Linda's mom, chatting and/or eating.

I love their stocking hangers on the mantle - they spell "Santa". If you hated Christmas, you could rearrange them to spell Satan, but of course, none of us would do that.

Here I am chatting with Sue and my mother. Don't know if you can see, but Linda has a really cool desk over to the right. It has 3 cubby's in the top and the bottom part opens. Where can I get one like that?

Here are some, but not all, of the gift exchange participants. My camera wasn't wide enough to catch them all.

Kay and Kathy.

More mingling and eating. That's what you do at Christmas time. I guess the kids were hiding downstairs most of the time, because I didn't get many pics of them. I'll have to be slicker next year.

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