Friday, January 26, 2007

New Kitty

Here is pic of the new kitty. We've had her, maybe 3 weeks or so. At first, she HATED both cats and the dog. She would let out a blood curdling scream if any of them came near her. Now, her and Yoda are best friends, and they make me a bit nervous. I wonder what type of schemes they're brewing. And no, I don't "allow" them to play in the dishwasher.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Jake's wheels

Here is a pic of Jake fiddling with his new truck. This one he found and purchased 100% on his own. I think it's a 94' and in pretty decent shape.

It has extra seats in the cab, which is a must for a small truck. Ask me what he said about the cab, I can't put it in writing, but it's funny.

By the way, to anyone who watches Top Chef, I am so glad bully Cliff is gone! I'm hoping sissy Ilan is next. Bye!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Sean's Many Birthdays

On Jan. 10, Sean turned 12. These pics are not in the correct order, so I'll have to walk you thru a bit. Here he is at my mother's, for an inpromtu celebration. This was the year of the video games.

And, the year of cash. That is $100 he's holding up. Sean banks all his money - he's saving up for a car.

This is the pinata from his neighborhood party, and that's Sean getting ready to swing. This pic is out of place, so.....

back to my mothers. Nan and Sara were in the hood and swung by to see Sean.

Why the laughter? Danny had a remote control whoopie cushion. I think he turns 12 this year too!

Sean is getting shy about his picture being taken.

Not shy about eating cake.

Back to the neighborhood party. Sean has so many friends, we decided to split his party in two. Saturday we took all his neighborhood friends to Riva pool. They had fun diving and swimming. Then, back to the house for some pinata destruction. It was 70 degrees that day, so it worked out well. Here is Jeff giving instructions.

That poor plaster fish.

Ouch, right in the ribs. That's the lucky kid who broke it.

Poor fishy-poo, where's your back side?

Okay, this is the little cake I made for his actual birthday night (it was a Wednesday).

Happy happy

Yet another gun. This is an air soft gun.

Back to the pinata. Jeff and Jake trussed him up.

Jeff and Jake on pinata detail. I had a bunch more pics, but I guess blogger can only hold so much at a time. Stay tuned for a photo of Jake's new truck.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Christmas Morning

FINALLY, X-mas morning photos. There's a lot of them, for anyone who cares to look. Here is Sean opening his paintball gun.

Jeff and Sean doing something - not sure what.

Sean with another type of gun and Scarlet trying to be included.

Jake and his bluetooth - out of the box.

Bluetooth in the box.

A happy Sean.

Yoda playing, he was really frisky that morning - for a while.

Hiding in a box.

Two video games.

Yoda playing with the toy that Sean made for Christmas.

A time for reflection.

Jeff looking confused as to why he got a grill pan. He did specifically ask for it - maybe he didn't want his picture taken.

Under Armor!

Jeff's aunt sent them this cool video game pad you can jump around on - THANKS!

Behold, the lightsaber.

Lined mocs, always good in winter. These were too big, but Jake was able to swap them out for a smaller pair.

Three video games.

New, 100% cotton robe. It's impossible to find a cotton robe for kids, due to the law that says all "sleepwear" must be flame retardant. Who sleeps in a robe? Anyway, Sean uses his to go back and forth to the hot tub, so it has to be towel-like. My mother got this robe in the adult section and I shortened it. Problem solved.

All tuckered out after a busy Christmas morning.

Trying out the paintball gun.

Jake showing his hoity toity fire boots. Seriously, these are some high quality boots, no kidding.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Finally - Christmas Eve

Well, we are well into January, and I'm finally posting some pre-Christmas pics. I know, I know, what took me so long. Here is a pic of Angie in me in front of her beautiful tree.

Sara was so surprised at the small size of her new camera, can you tell?

Here are Nan's pretty Christmas decorations.

Sitting around on Christmas eve.

Sean is actually engrossed in a book. I promise I will post more very soon.
