Monday, January 15, 2007

Sean's Many Birthdays

On Jan. 10, Sean turned 12. These pics are not in the correct order, so I'll have to walk you thru a bit. Here he is at my mother's, for an inpromtu celebration. This was the year of the video games.

And, the year of cash. That is $100 he's holding up. Sean banks all his money - he's saving up for a car.

This is the pinata from his neighborhood party, and that's Sean getting ready to swing. This pic is out of place, so.....

back to my mothers. Nan and Sara were in the hood and swung by to see Sean.

Why the laughter? Danny had a remote control whoopie cushion. I think he turns 12 this year too!

Sean is getting shy about his picture being taken.

Not shy about eating cake.

Back to the neighborhood party. Sean has so many friends, we decided to split his party in two. Saturday we took all his neighborhood friends to Riva pool. They had fun diving and swimming. Then, back to the house for some pinata destruction. It was 70 degrees that day, so it worked out well. Here is Jeff giving instructions.

That poor plaster fish.

Ouch, right in the ribs. That's the lucky kid who broke it.

Poor fishy-poo, where's your back side?

Okay, this is the little cake I made for his actual birthday night (it was a Wednesday).

Happy happy

Yet another gun. This is an air soft gun.

Back to the pinata. Jeff and Jake trussed him up.

Jeff and Jake on pinata detail. I had a bunch more pics, but I guess blogger can only hold so much at a time. Stay tuned for a photo of Jake's new truck.

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