Monday, April 09, 2007


My postings are become fewer and fewer lately. There is so much going on, ALL THE TIME, and I'm bad about taking pictures. Anyway, this is the first year, ever, that we did not dye Easter Eggs. Nobody wanted to do it. It's sort of freeing though, to not have to slave away over the "traditions". Don't get me wrong, I loved doing all that stuff when the kids were younger, but this is great too. I did make Easter baskets for Jake and Sean. This picture was taken after most of the items were removed. I make really good baskets, so they were cleaned out pretty quickly.

Now, for our recent tragedy. Poor Yoda developed an abscess on his leg. We took him to the vet, where it was announced he had a fever and an infection. So, he was sedated, leg shaved, abscess lanced, money paid. He's on two antibiotics, which I have the pleasure of administering twice a day. He's pretty good about it. His leg looks funny.

The strange thing is this: he and Frannie have been best friends these last few months. When Yoda came home from the vet, she's treating him like he's a different cat, hissing and creating drama. It's always something.

All our felines, back a long time ago when it was a nice day. They are so darn cute.


Eggme said...

AWWW, Poor Kitty!!

nancy said...

that looks totally sad. good wishes and speedy recovery