Monday, October 22, 2007

Jamestown, VA

Jeff, Sean and I took a long weekend to Virginia and one of the places we visited was Jamestown Settlement.

These pics are from the Native American "village". The colonist's part of town wasn't all that interesting to me, I don't think I took one photo of that. Anyway, here is Sean in one of the wigwams holding part of a dead bird.

Sean standing by an animal skin stretcher thing.

A view of the village.

Here is the inside of one of the wigwams. It was pretty nice. Of course, all the people back then stank to high heaven, however, the museum curators choose not to recreate that part of the experience.

I believe this is a dead wolf with his insides pulled out. His nose and claws are still intact and he is so incredibly soft.

Well, I learned that the Native Americans had more wall art than I do. And, they were polygamists who ate a lot of maize. I also enjoy the maize, but not the polygamy.


1 comment:

nancy said...

interesting, what are the wigwams made of? looks like cornhusks.