Saturday, December 01, 2007

Baby Shower

These pictures are a bit out of order, but I'm sure you all will figure it out.

Shannon's Baby Shower was a great time. Her mom and aunts worked really hard on decorating and food, games etc. Shannon looks happy (and cute as a button)!

This was the board for one of the games. You know I had to take a picture of all that candy!

The beginning of the gift opening. She got a lot of really nice stuff.

More gift opening - with Jake attempting to help.

She did NOT want to wear that hat, but was a good sport about it. That hat stayed on for about 10 seconds. Thank goodness I just put fresh batteries in my camera, or I would have missed it.

The cake. The lady who made it did a nice job. It tasted great, but I only had a little. I was full from the stuffed mushrooms, chicken and cheese pasta, spaghetti and meatballs, hush puppies and other good stuff I ate. OINK!!!!

Jake was trying to look mean here, but it wasn't quite working.

Gifts galore.

A bunch of the firehouse guys showed up. They were a little uncomfortable at first, but after being around all that pink decor, their testosterone dropped enough for them to have a good time.

1 comment:

nancy said...

my question is......what is that little bundle of joys name gonna be?