Friday, December 14, 2007


She's finally here! Her name is Kylie and she was born 12/13/07 at 3:50 pm. I think she was 7lbs 3 oz, but don't quote me. Anyway, this baby is at the top of her game!!!! She is so alert and animated - just as cute as can be.

Here is Mama eating after her ordeal.

Jake and visitors and a large clock.

She was moving her tongue in and out the whole time - I guess it's practice for all the eating she'll be doing.

She looks just like her mama here - CUTE!

The happiest part of the day.

They had just put some sort of stuff in her eyes, that's why her face is all shiny.

Shannon's mom was there the whole time and probably stayed all night. When I left, at 6pm, Peanut had eaten her first "meal" and was taking a nap.

So, there you have it!!! More later,


1 comment:

nancy said...

totally adorable.cant wait to see her!!! good job Shannon