Saturday, February 23, 2008

Poor Yoda

We have some very sad news. Yesterday, Yoda was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia. He is not doing well, and we expect the end to come for him, very soon. We put a cat-toy octopus on his head but he didn't feel like playing.

He has been sleeping a lot. He has a high fever and didn't like this blanket on him. He ate yesterday, but not today.

We are all heartbroken.


Melissa said...

Amy, I'm very sad for Yoda. I'm also sorry for you guys. Give Yoda lots of love from me.

Eggme said...

Amy...Im so sad for you all and for Yoda. I know you are all lovin him up!!! Again, I cant imagine how you feel...our pets are part of our family.

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