Saturday, May 10, 2008


I am super behind on my postings (surprise!) so here is some spring-time stuff to tide you over.

I LOVE this pic of Kylie girl. She is in her jeans and looking oh-so coordinated and hip. Did I mention that I just love this baby??

Nan, here is a picture of the clematis and the irises we were talking about.

This is a snake-ee-poo I found wandering around the back yard. Sean tried to use 2 sticks to pick him up (a'la Steve Irwin) but the snake kept striking at him. It was actually pretty cool and I'm mad I didn't have the camera on me. By the time I got it, the snake had had enough and was in no mood for pictures. He was running away from me at this point. Good Riddance and don't come back sucker.

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