Monday, October 13, 2008

Mice infestation

Well, we have a pretty bad mouse problem this year. They are bigger and bolder than ever and they party all night. Here you see two of them laughing at Xander behind his back. These mice have terrible attitudes!

I caught one trying to attack Scarlet - it ran straight for her face. Luckily, she was able to dodge it at the last minute.

This one was all up in my coat rack.

Poor little Xander was traumatized - but in a cute way.

Tangles says that it is not her job to hunt mice - she won't even admit there's a problem. Notice Fran didn't even bother to make an appearance.

Wish us luck in winning the rodent war - I fear the worst. If you check my blog in the future and all you see are pictures of cheese, pray for us.........pray hard.


cezca said...

nice trick! nice blog

Eggme said...

Sorry Amy but I can not and will not return to your house until this unfortunate mouse problem is taken care of...good luck and god speed