Thursday, July 22, 2010

Belated Jake Pics

So sorry for not posting about Jake becoming a Marine. His graduation from Parris Island happened in March and a bunch of us jumped in the van and headed down to witness the occasion.

This is where he lived for 3 1/2 months.

He had a lot of texting to catch up on since he was denied phone and computer access the entire time he was down there.

Here is a picture of Jeff pretending to be a new recruit. Thank goodness it was only pretend.

Here is Jake on Grad day - gotta love that uniform.

This was early in the day on the 3 mile "motivational" run. Jake is 3rd from the left. They were given pretty nice running shoes - I'm jealous.

It rained - all day - non stop! However, the weather did not diminish our glee. (Sean's not pictured here, I assume he is behind the camera).
Jake is currently at Camp Pendleton finishing up his training. We will go see him soon and come home with a whole new crop of photos and news. Hopefully it won't take me 4 months to post them.

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