Friday, December 22, 2006

College Park Family Party

I am so behind on my postings. Last weekend, we went to Marty and Linda's for their annual family Christmas party. As always, they did a fantastic job - the house looked great, everyone brought good food, and fun was had by all. This pic was taken during the gift exchange.

Mary in toile.

Here's Brian, DJ, Kay, Dunny and Linda's mom, chatting and/or eating.

I love their stocking hangers on the mantle - they spell "Santa". If you hated Christmas, you could rearrange them to spell Satan, but of course, none of us would do that.

Here I am chatting with Sue and my mother. Don't know if you can see, but Linda has a really cool desk over to the right. It has 3 cubby's in the top and the bottom part opens. Where can I get one like that?

Here are some, but not all, of the gift exchange participants. My camera wasn't wide enough to catch them all.

Kay and Kathy.

More mingling and eating. That's what you do at Christmas time. I guess the kids were hiding downstairs most of the time, because I didn't get many pics of them. I'll have to be slicker next year.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dec. 13th 2006

Hey. It's been a while since I posted. Sean and I made marshmallows. They turned out great. Unfortunately, we didn't wrap them up, so they dried out. But we'll probably make more soon.

Sean's English class went to the science center last week. Don't know why this photo is blurry, maybe the bus ride was extra bumpy.

Jeff got a chance to play football with Sean and some of the neighborhood kids, during the weekend. The weather was warm, again, so lucky us.

posted by Amy

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nov. 28th 2006

What a wonderfully warm day we had today. Too bad the kids had to go to school. Scarlet and I took a walk along our usual route. Here she is gazing across the water at the ducks.

These are the ducks.

I love this shot. She enjoys playing on the playground equipment.

Scarlet on the trail.

I wish I knew how to move these pictures around. This was before the jump, obviously. Use your imaginations.

Friday, November 24, 2006


I didn't take many pictures on Thanksgiving - there was so much to do. But I did get a few. Here is Sean posing with his turkey artwork, on our chaulkboard wall.

It was quite the oinkfest.

This is a picture of Jake and Tangles. Jake was trying to aviod the camera, but I got him.

This is the table before we all swooped down like a swarm of hungry locusts.

Way too much food. We could have fed 10 additional people. Sara will probably be posting pics from this event as well. Her blog is

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Foliage Update

Here is a shot of my little Meyer Lemon tree. I just got it this spring and so far, so good. Too bad there's no smell-o-vision on the web, because the flower buds are intoxicatingly sweet. Love them. The lemons taste good too! I know, I know, the pot is ghetto.

Here is proof of our recent warm weather, two of the rose bushes are in bloom. Now, don't get me wrong, I love warm weather as much as anybody, BUT, Thanksgiving is two weeks away, Christmas stuff has been out for ages - it just seems wrong. Anyway, we have no control over the weather.

Check back with us in a few days for a "fallen leaves" update.

posted by: Amy

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nov 2. 2006

Looks like Tangles and Yoda are working out their differences. That, or neither one of them would give up the primo napping spot on the chaise.

This little guy came to visit the other day. He is just a cute baby now, but, God willing, will one day be a giant, slimy, slithery adult snake. It's so hard to watch them grow up, brings tears to my eyes.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oct. 31, 2006

Halloween was fun but lame this year. We didn't even carve a pumpkin. If you had come to my house trick or treating, this is what you would have seen: Jeff handing out candy with a smile.

Sean went to "Trunk or Treat" with the Hein's. He said it was way more fun than regular trick or treating. And, he won a boo-tiful cake at the cake walk. It has fantastic cream cheese frosting on top, along with marshmallow ghosts and candy corn. (note the uncarved pumpkin at Sean's feet.)

We had the most warm and beautiful weather for Halloween. Everybody was out enjoying it and having a good time. Even Scarlet and I took a walk and mingled a bit. As this picture shows, every leaf in the neighborhood is in our yard. They're pretty though.

Jake went to an "out of doors" party, and seemed to have a great time too.

Happy and Scary trick or treaters.

More happy trick or treaters.

Monday, October 30, 2006

New Stove and Rug

My room looks ghetto here, but this is the new stove. We need to buy all the crap that goes with it, like tools and an expensive copper bucket to hold wood, but it works well, and is super warm.

Here is a shot of the new rug. I know, I know, it's not the typical "elegant oriental" but it's colorful and fun and 100% wool. And, since Mastercraft had their "going out of business" sale, the cost was dirt cheap (that's the best part).

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sara's birthday Party

We had a nice birthday party at Nan's for Sara. I don't know what Sara is saying, but I'm rapt.

Caught Sean by surprise.

Hilarity ensues. My mother looks to be in pain.

Turning 31 must be funny. I don't know because I can't remember back that far. Sad.

posted by: Amy

Monday, October 23, 2006

New Baby

This is not the baby, it's the bunny. Very cute, his name is Leroy.

Here's the baby, she's very cute as well. Sorry I didn't get you in the picture Carla. (by the way, Mama looks great!)

Monday, October 16, 2006


Here is my lovely surgical scar. The hand is working great, minimal pain and no suffering. I highly recommend this surgery for anyone battling the carpel tunnel.

posted by: Amy

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Poor Tangles

It was a rough morning for Tangles kitty today. She went outside for her usual lap around the house, and the next door neighbor dog ran into our yard, and chased her up a tree. She didn't seem to know how to get down, so she just hung there and cried.

I took this far away shot so you could see how high she was.

She settled her big behind on a small branch, and was okay sitting there for a while. Eventually the branch gave way, and she started sliding down the tree. At the halfway point, I could tell she was going to let go and fall, so I tried to catch her. She landed in my arms then bounced onto the ground. All of you who have met her know how pillowy she is, so hopefully she cushioned her own fall. Drama.........I love it! Seriously though, I think she's going to be okay.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend of Jake

Jake turned 18 on Sunday. Since I have only one working hand, Mom-mom generously offered to make dinner and cake at her place. Here is a rare group photo. (a special thanks to Shawn Petersen for taking this picture!)

Here is Jake all gussied up for HomeComing.

Pineapple upside down with 18, extra-flamey candles.

Happy Birthday Jake, we love you!

posted by: Amy

Monday, October 02, 2006

Baby Shower

The shower was a sucess! (raise champagne glasses) A big thanks to Carla Hultberg for the use of her lovely home. And a big thanks to lovely Carla Hein for being with child. Without her, this shower would not have been possible. -and August too! We wish the entire Hein family a healthy, happy birth and a lifetime of enjoying each other. (clink and drink)

Everyone having fun.

Here's the Bee cake. Please spare me the emails regarding the spelling of the word baby. It's called "artistic liberty".

Stunning headwear. Carla, we all expect you to wear this in the delivery room. Photos please.

Marsha, Kim and Ginger chatting.