Saturday, May 20, 2006

visiting friends

Went to visit my friend, Sue, at her super fab new house, this week. Here is a pic of her cute courtyard. For some reason, it makes me crave a drink with an umbrella in it.

This pool is not finished yet. I repeat, this is not finished! I promised I would make that clear. It looks pretty darn good so far, so you know it will be great when it's done. Don't worry, I'll post "after" pics as soon as they become available.

Pretty kitty! (Patches)

These turtles are super swimmers.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I Love Spring

This is why I love spring. Beautiful flowers and they're FREE.

Sean holding up some sort of toy he got at school. It looks like we're in the parking lot at the dentist's office. Good times!

This rose is going crazy. Lots of flowers and good scent. You'll notice that I don't grow the tea roses. I have enough children to take care of.

This is the new peony, I just planted last year. I was expecting no blooms this spring, but was rewarded with two. This one is just starting to open. The smell is fab.

My mother was kind enough to buy me this old English rose for Mother's day. It's called Geoff Hamilton or something. Anyway, not only is it beautiful, but again, the smell is lovely. I'll be planting this tomorrow. Thanks Mom!

That is why I love spring.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Went to Ocean City over the weekend. The weather was decent for being off season. Here is a photo of Sean in the museum, on the boardwalk. I forget the name of it, but it's all about rescues at sea. That is not a real snake.

Tried to have dinner with my friend Sherry and her family. Unfortunately, little Audrey had an upset stomach. She projectile vomited in the car, and I took a picture of it to share with all you good people. Thank me later.

Here is Sean, on the boardwalk. This time, he's posing in front of a shark in a case. You can see me and Jeff reflected in the glass. How efficient.

In the pool.

Now, we are back to the museum. Don't you just love the old timey bathing costumes? I would totally wear the green and white number on the right.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wednesday May 3rd

Here is the latest pic of the shed. The roof is on. Pity you can't see the super-cool sky light on the other side. I think the ghetto trash can in the foreground is just the right accessory.

Here is Sean doing his homework. He appears to be really bogged down.

Here is Jeff tirelessly working in the veggie patch.

Anybody need wood? I keep telling people to come and get it, but no one does. What you see is only half of our inventory.