Monday, May 15, 2006

I Love Spring

This is why I love spring. Beautiful flowers and they're FREE.

Sean holding up some sort of toy he got at school. It looks like we're in the parking lot at the dentist's office. Good times!

This rose is going crazy. Lots of flowers and good scent. You'll notice that I don't grow the tea roses. I have enough children to take care of.

This is the new peony, I just planted last year. I was expecting no blooms this spring, but was rewarded with two. This one is just starting to open. The smell is fab.

My mother was kind enough to buy me this old English rose for Mother's day. It's called Geoff Hamilton or something. Anyway, not only is it beautiful, but again, the smell is lovely. I'll be planting this tomorrow. Thanks Mom!

That is why I love spring.

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