Thursday, May 11, 2006


Went to Ocean City over the weekend. The weather was decent for being off season. Here is a photo of Sean in the museum, on the boardwalk. I forget the name of it, but it's all about rescues at sea. That is not a real snake.

Tried to have dinner with my friend Sherry and her family. Unfortunately, little Audrey had an upset stomach. She projectile vomited in the car, and I took a picture of it to share with all you good people. Thank me later.

Here is Sean, on the boardwalk. This time, he's posing in front of a shark in a case. You can see me and Jeff reflected in the glass. How efficient.

In the pool.

Now, we are back to the museum. Don't you just love the old timey bathing costumes? I would totally wear the green and white number on the right.

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