Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sean's Backpacking Trip 2

Well, since the blog would not let me continue in the previous blog posting I started another one to finish the story. So if you have not seen "Sean's Backpacking Trip 1", scroll down the page to see the beginning of the trip.

Well at our back country, we woke up to rain. There is nothing like breakfast on the trail in the rain. This is a picture of John cooking breakfast and Sean waiting to eat. Notice they our both still smiling. Well we were hoping the rain would stop after breakfast, so we could pack up and get on our way. Well it didn't.

The rain never let up, so we packed up in the rain and got started on the trail. Sean did a really good job hiking up hill in the rain. He stopped a few times on the trail to rest, but he never complained about the hike in the rain up hill.

Well here is the after picture. Sean did an excellent job backpacking. This was his first trip and says he enjoyed it. Maybe there will be more trips. Notice Sean is not smiling in this picture, I guest he had enough,

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