Saturday, July 01, 2006

It's July

FINALLY, another post. Where do the days go? Tangles was helping me read the paper this morning, wasn't that nice of her? She is so darned cute.

Many of you responded with your guesses of "who is my worst enemy". I had some interesting answers, but Nan got it - the Japanese Beetle! It was hard to get a close up with my camera, but you can see the damage the beetle is doing to my rose. We go thru this every year, the beetles and I. They arrive, eat my roses, I kill them. This year I put out the traps and have only had to manually kill about 20. Usually, I off hundreds in a week (I am NOT exaggerating.)

Sean goes to camp tomorrow evening for, almost, a whole week. Here is a view from the dinning hall. He loves going, and it's only 2 minutes up the street from our house - very convenient.

Sean staggering under Tangles incredible bulk. Notice Mrs Butterworth came to visit (or is that Aunt Jememiah?)

My lace cap hydrangea has bloomed like crazy. The dumb camera did not capture the purple, blue and pink. That's what we get for being low budget I guess.

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