Friday, September 22, 2006

Jake's Sr. Pix

Hi everyone, welcome to Jake's Senior Pictures! I love this one, he looks very comfortable in a tux!

Yo, fire gear!

The obligatory cap and gown shot. He actually looks great, in my humble opinion.

Our favorite fire gear photo.

Handsome, that's all I can say. Thanks for stopping by our site.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Election Day

We went to the local beach on Election Day. We met Vicki, Janet and all the kids and had a great time doing nothing!!!! It was a perfectly beautiful day.

Vanessa and Tacy playing Barbies.

Fuzzy fruit - mmmmm.

Us NOT sitting in our beach chairs.

Jesse on the coveted frog.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Work day

Hi. I brought my camera to work and snapped some pics. This is my favorite - the CANDY STASH. It's so hard to resist the call of the chocolates.

This is Sandy, our "Director of First Impressions". She's the best - we love you Sandy!!!

We were in luck this day, Mike bought pizza for the entire office, so everyone came out of the woodwork to eat. This pic was taken in the basement, where most of the partying occurs.

Here is Mike S. telling Mike H., what looks like a scary store. That's AJ in the center. His band is playing at the Rams Head Tavern on Oct. 7, 3:30pm. For more info, click the link below

Finally, here is Sheri doing her Lady Liberty impression. I couldn't find a flaming torch, so just use your imagination.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A new side of Tangles

These pictures are from a photo shoot for the Centerfold of KittyCat Magazine. Tangles was a bit nervous in this first shot, but....

she really loosened up and started to have fun. I think these photos are very tasteful. She's listed her turn-ons as: lying in the sun, eating, and forcing people to pet her. Her turn-offs include: other animals, rainy days and dirty litterboxes.


Bela came over to play with Sean. He thinks nose picking is hysterical, so here it is. My apologies to you all.

I have no idea what they were up to here. This picture reminds me, it's almost time to fire up the hot tub. Yay!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Animal Update

This is what Tangles did all summer, lots of loafing around. I'm so jealous.

Yoda used to sit under the skirt of this couch. Now, he seems to think there is something lurking under there, and assumes this position often, almost like he's waiting for something to spring out. We've pulled the couch out - there is nothing there. I will say it again, this cat is wacked out.

Yoda enjoys "helping" us read the paper. Scarlet appears to be looking for a place to land some vomit.

Until next time - have a great day.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Summer stuff

Here is a pic of Sean sleeping at the hotel in Ocean City. Notice we brought our own blankets and pillows so we wouldn't have to touch the hotel linens and get cooties. Oddly enough, there was not one towel bar in that room. The pink beach towel on the wall is hanging from a light fixture.

Ah, the good old slip-n-slide. I had forgotten about these pictures. This one is Sean doing the dangerous "knee slide".

Here is AJ performing the dreaded "spine slide".

Here are the two of them practicing the "almost kick your friend in the face" slide.

Don't know what the heck this slide is. By the way, if anyone has suggestions on what colors I should paint that little playhouse, please email me at If I choose your scheme, you get the prize of coming over and helping me paint! Thanks.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Vacation is Over

Hi People. It is Sept. 1, 2006 we are finally back online. Sorry about that little vacation. Anyway, Sean and Amy went to the beach with friends, right before school started, and had a blast. Here is a pic of Sean and Jesse. Looks like Jesse is giving Sean bad news or good advice.

Shawn and Sean are happy.

This looks like a shot for a Sandals Resort ad. Work it Sean!

This was the best part. This pic was taken in the early morning of the day we were leaving. I suggested to Sean that we get an hour of ocean time in. He didn't want to do it, but I made him put on his suit and walk down with me. He slowly got in, a bit at a time. Then, off went the shirt and he was body surfing. Shawn P. went back to get his suit, and his brother. Before long, I was dragging them out to go home.

Here is Vicki packing up on the last day. I just noticed Sean on the couch - he appears to be making a weird troll face.

I have some more summer stuff to post, so keep tuned.