Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Work day

Hi. I brought my camera to work and snapped some pics. This is my favorite - the CANDY STASH. It's so hard to resist the call of the chocolates.

This is Sandy, our "Director of First Impressions". She's the best - we love you Sandy!!!

We were in luck this day, Mike bought pizza for the entire office, so everyone came out of the woodwork to eat. This pic was taken in the basement, where most of the partying occurs.

Here is Mike S. telling Mike H., what looks like a scary store. That's AJ in the center. His band is playing at the Rams Head Tavern on Oct. 7, 3:30pm. For more info, click the link below

Finally, here is Sheri doing her Lady Liberty impression. I couldn't find a flaming torch, so just use your imagination.

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