Thursday, October 12, 2006

Poor Tangles

It was a rough morning for Tangles kitty today. She went outside for her usual lap around the house, and the next door neighbor dog ran into our yard, and chased her up a tree. She didn't seem to know how to get down, so she just hung there and cried.

I took this far away shot so you could see how high she was.

She settled her big behind on a small branch, and was okay sitting there for a while. Eventually the branch gave way, and she started sliding down the tree. At the halfway point, I could tell she was going to let go and fall, so I tried to catch her. She landed in my arms then bounced onto the ground. All of you who have met her know how pillowy she is, so hopefully she cushioned her own fall. Drama.........I love it! Seriously though, I think she's going to be okay.


Eggme said...
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Eggme said...

Poor Tangles and Poor Branch!! hehe
But really, hope he is A OK!!