Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hershey PA

I took a few shots of our trip to PA last weekend. The pictures do not convey the magnitude of fun that was had. We went to Indian Echo Caverns on Sat. Sean had been years ago, but didn't remember it. Here is our tour guide who was very animated and fun.

Here is a photo of Sean in front of a rock formation. Don't worry, he's completely sober.

They call this the "Wedding Cake". They actually perform wedding ceremonies in this part of the cave, if dark and dank is your thing. I wish Jeff and I had know about it, we could have eloped and actually had fun.

On to Sunday. Here are the wolves at the little zoo in Hershey Park. I know this is a terrible picture, it's all I've got.

Sean and Dani resting. I did have a few pics of Jake and his friends, but they have mysteriously dissapeared. Don't worry, prom is in a few weeks and it will be a Jake extravaganza!


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