Friday, October 05, 2007


Jeff, Sean and I walked around downtown Annapolis last weekend (pre-boat show, thank goodness). Anyway, we ate at Chick & Ruth's Delly. Sean ordered an ice cream sundae as his lunch, since he had a slice of pizza at the Market House. The waitress accused us of being his aunt and uncle because "parents would not allow their children to eat a sundae for lunch". Whatever!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to go on a tirade about parents who micro-manage every mouthful of food their kids eat. I seriously push the healthy eating at our house, but people - ask yourselves this: when your child is grown do you want his/her main memory to be unpleasant mealtimes. Land Sakes, if you want a power struggle with your kids, choose something more dramatic than food. I am SO grateful my family never pulled that "finish your plate" stuff. Or made us eat things that tasted like crap. Food should be enjoyed, not forced down your throat.

Sorry, but that just really bugs me - I'm over it now. Have a great weekend.

posted by: Amy


nancy said...

that scared me!!!

nancy said...

that scared me!!!

Melissa said...

Word sister! I AM from a finish your plate family and look what it did to my butt!