Monday, November 02, 2009

It's fall

Does anybody even look at this blog anymore? I post so infrequently, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. Anyhoo, Halloween went up into the attic, and Thanksgiving came down. Here is our lovely collection of turkeys - they look so delicious.

Here is Jeff in the Corn Maze, I like to call it the Maize Maze for fun. He's not really lost - he just looks that way.

Sean and Nate really are lost. Note the deep concentration and head scratching.

This is the fancy dessert I had at Roberts of Charleston. The big square was Tangerine Creme Brulee. All 6 courses looked this beautiful. Sadly, the restaurant is closing soon, old Robert is retiring. Too bad, it was a fun place to go, what with the singing, piano playing and unlimited wine - good thing we didn't have to drive to get home.

Until next time..........bye bye.

Thursday, September 17, 2009 update.

Went to Charleston SC at the beginning of August. Here we are on Folly Beach. We later found out it is a tad bit shark infested there. Other than that, it was a really great beach.

Sean doing something with sand.

Jeff and Sean acting like crazy people.

Here's one of the old mansions we toured - that was the best part of the trip.

Fancy smancy privy. There was another one in the opposite corner. Privy number one and privy number two - hmmmmm.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kaleb's 2nd Birthday

I went to Colombia to Kaleb's 2nd birthday party today. Alicia and Rob set up fun sprinklers and outdoor stuff for the kids - they all had a great time.

The birthday boy!

The cake was INCREDIBLE!

Here is Alicia and her wonderful parents.


posted by:Amy

Friday, June 26, 2009

Jeff's Groovy Boat

Jeff brought home a boat today. It's quite groovy in a harvest gold sort of way.

It is a step up from his current boat -this one has actual seats with real cushions. It may be unattractive, but at least it's paid for.

Sean's plane ride

Sean flew out of BWI on Sunday and we snapped a few pictures to commemorate.

Sean did his best to ignore my waving and cries of "goodbye" but the ticket taker lady told him to turn around and say goodbye to his mother. Thank you Ticket Taker Lady!

Sean waiting in line to board.

Jeff and Sean doing what they do best.

P.S. A friend mentioned my post about the Ducks and I had NO idea what they were talking about. I see now that Someone (otherwise known as Jeff) did post some Duck stuff that I was unaware of. I was worried that maybe my memory is way worse than I thought.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Home Sweet Home, A Duck's Home That Is

For the past few weeks, it has been raining almost every evening, thus our yard never drys ups and water starts to accumulate in the front yard. A pair of ducks have mistaken this large puddle for a pond and started living in around it. Sean and I found a duck egg today, but it was broken in to by something. We have not named them yet.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


A bunch of us went to Philly last weekend for a day. We had the most perfect weather you could ask for. Our first stop was Bartram's Garden. Here is a picture of Jake standing in the middle of Mr. Bartram's stone cider press. Mr. Bartram did not mind - he was dead at the time.

I asked Jake to poke a stick into the cider reservoire to see how deep it was. I can't imagine how they kept that thing clean. Maybe they just didn't.

We also walked the streets of Philly and stopped into Besty Ross's house. Here is a photo of her tombstone that she shares with her also dead husband. (I heard he was always riding her coattails). That lady lived to be 84! Her rented house was really small and charming.
Can you believe these are the only pictures I took - I am so mad at myself. We are going to Mt. Vernon next month, I'll do better there.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Updates in Life

Here is the graduation cake I made today. It turned out okay, the high humidity and rain made it extra challenging though.

This is the strawberry shortcake we ate on Memorial Day. All the strawberries came from our garden - the fact that the berries were free made the whole thing taste better.

I tried to make Scarlet pose in front of the mailbox, but she refused - however, the irises had no problem standing still for this shot.

Rembember the nest of birds I had in the shed? When I went back to investigate, I found this little guy (or gal, who knows) flying around in there and pooping all over the place. I know people love birds, they're cute, blah blah blah, but this one and his family moved out and left the place a mess. And me with no security deposit.


He didn't even make up his nest before flying the coop! See, it's all rumpled!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Calvert Cliffs

We took a daytrip to Calvert Cliffs on Saturday. The weather was perfect. Sean brought his friend Justin, and they had fun on the playground. There were cool tires contraptions to play on and a zipline.

We took a 2 mile "hike" to beach/cliffs. Here are Nan and Jeff looking for fossils. Nan was bummed because she didn't find anything good. The pesky megladon has eluded her again.

Being sisters looks like fun. At least these two have fun.

Sean and Justin were gracious enough to stop whatever they were doing so I could take their picture.

The Cliffs were pretty. The temperature of the water was perfectly chilly, which was great because it was sort of hot outside. Here, you will see Sara and Kathy chatting each other up.

We haven't picnic'd in a long while - we made a vow to do it more often.

All in all, a wonderful day.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Sean just finished his 8 week fencing course at St. Anne's School. The last class was an elimination competition. Guess who won?

If you guessed Sean - then you are right.

He won every bout against every kid in the class. I think there were 7 students total. The girl he is fencing with here, was stiff competition. She was really fast and had good form. She had taken the class before, so she had more experience too. She was super good and very cute.

I don't know how they can see thru those masks.

Sean's teacher is encouraging him to take lessons at St. John's college this summer. He will if it fits into his schedule.

Fencing.........who knew?

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Baby Birds

A mama bird made a little nest in our shed. She chose a small galvenized bucket that I had hanging on the wall. One week ago, the nest held pink speckled eggs. Now, it holds, what looks to be, 4 baby birds.

The bucket was up higher than I could reach, so I just aimed the camera, pushed the button and hoped for the best.

These babies are very quiet, except when the mama flies in with food for them. I'll try to get another pic at the end of the week to see if they have grown.

Does anyone know what happens to the eggshells after the birds hatch?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hershey Park

We went to Hershey Park again this year. Here is Jake looking thoroughly miserable on the carousel.

Here is mom-mom looking quite majestic.

Me, Alicia and Kaleb. It was hot as heck that day, but we all managed weak smiles.

Lunch is fun!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's been a while.........

I'm sure nobody even looks at this blog anymore, it's been months since I've updated. Well, Sean just had a birthday - he's 14. Shawn Petersen came over for cake, and so did mom-mom and pop-pop.

It was chocolate with cream cheese icing.


Here is the aerogarden. These herbs are about 2 weeks old.

Jake and Xander - they both look really sleepy.

I hope I post again soon, I'm sorry I didn't take vomit pics last week when we were all sick - that would have been a good one.
