Saturday, January 21, 2006

Additional Shark Sleepover Pics

For those of you who didn't get enough, here are some more pics from the Aquarium. I think Jeff took this one, of Sean and Shawn in front of the water. Jeff can always be counted on to get the city scapes on film.

Here are the kids in our group, getting a lesson on horseshoe crabs from "Linda". Linda is a marine biologist and very knowledgable. She did have a tendency to order us around a bit. She would do well as a guard in a prison if she lost the aquarium gig. Note: horseshoe crabs are not crabs at all, but related to the scorpion. Of course, all of you already knew that.

Awwww, how cute. Don't you just want to snuggle up with this at night? But of course!

These were all the boys in our group. If you look closely, right above the flash, there is large shark speeding toward you. This was taken at night, after the sharks were "put to bed", so the lights in the tank were turned off. I didn't take of photo of our sleeping quarters but we set up directly in front of the ray and shark underwater viewing tank. It was very peaceful (except for some unknown with a hacking cough that kept me up all night. You know who you are.)

Here is Sean and Shawn at breakfast. Shawn is a good sport - I asked him to pose as if he's getting ready to grab some fruit off the tray - and he did. Thanks Shawn.

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