Thursday, January 19, 2006

Aquarium Sleepover

Finally, some pics from the shark sleepover. Here, you see Shawn Petersen posing with a dehydrated bonnethead shark.

Here is Sean looking through some jaws, just like I asked him to.

This photo is from the "catwalk" which is an old wooden bridge over the shark tank. Unfortunately, we were on that bridge. The squarish white things are heat lamps, it was about 200 degrees in there.

Sean displaying a mega, something or other, tooth.

Another "catwalk" shot. Yes, that dark shadow in the water, is a shark.

Shawn and Sean behind the scenes. Too bad I can't post the smell too.

More behind the scenes.

Posing in front of a prehistoric megladon jaw. The jaw is actually a reproduction, however, the teeth are REAL!

Dear Mr. Squid in his tank. I thought he was the coolest.

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