Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hi. This is a picture of my small, downstairs powder room. I wanted to show Sherry how I put the fabric in the vanity. Some people (men) enjoy the awful look of heavy solid, oaken doors. I think the curtain is prettier to look at. And, in a small space, who wants to swing an ugly oak door into your shin? Anyway, it was dirt cheap because my aunt gave me the fabric for FREE!

This was taken at baseball practice last night. See the coach guy in the blue v-neck and blue hat? He was screaming and yelling at the time this pic was taken. I'm so glad they divided up the group into two teams, and Sean is not on his team. A bit too intense for my taste.

Cheerful children cooking cornbread with the cat.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday March 23, 2006

Sherry C., this one's for you. A pic of my dogs behind, sans tail, per your request. Notice Sean's discarded baseball glove on the floor. It will stay there until I pick it up and get rid of it.

Here's that wreath I made. It's lovely considering I only spent about $6 making it. I wouldn't pay over $10 for something like this. I've got to get something to put in those stupid silvery buckets. Any suggestions?

posted by: Amy

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday, March 19th, 2006

Don't tell Jake this pic of him is on the blog. I found it on the internet and thought everyone would be interested to see him in his gear. Remember, mums the word.

Jeff is building a nifty new shed. Here his is spreading the 4 yards of gravel he hauled singlehandedly, to the backyard.

Here is Jeff building the floor. I'll try to post updates on this, so you can chart the shed's progress.

There was a fort in my back room today, with various children and animals inside it. I was allowed a quick peek inside.

This is the outside of the fort. I love the beautiful flowered sheet the boys choose. I think it used to be my mother's. Wow, do I need some art on the wall or what? Quick, someone paint me a picture.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Dark Times

Wow, this is a dark photo, but alas, these are dark times. Things are tough all around these days, the price of gas, housing, electricity - all through the roof. Even food. So, Tangles kindly made the sacrifice to become last night's dinner. Unfortunately, she wouldn't fit in the pot, so we settled for a dry roasting on the stove. You can barely make it out in the photo, it was a somber time, but she was steadfast in her bravery and selflessness, so the family could eat.

SIKE! The crazy cat just decided to curl up on the stove for a while. I'll have to have Jeff look at the camera to find out why it's pitch black. Bye!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Nash is 4

Saturday was Nash's 4th Birthday! His party was at Chuck E. Cheese, and it was a super blast! Here he is doing his Spidey impression - has he got it goin on or what?

Tearing into one of the many Spiderman themed gifts and.......

blowing out the candles on his Spiderman cake. For those of you that are a little slow, it was a Spiderman party. Now that we're all on the same page, lets see what Sean is doing.

It's game time! Sean is clearly thumbing his nose at either the establishment, or the game. Jeff seems to be gazing to the left of the game, at something on the floor.

Here is Nash showing off his new Spiderman Shirt. Everyone had a super terrific time hanging out with Nash. Thanks for having a birthday and for inviting us!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Domestic Crap

Hey! This is what the checkerboard cake layers looked like when we took them out of the oven. Target practice anyone?

This will soon be a beautiful wreath (I hope).

This is the last piece of checkerboard cake. Ooooh...aaaaaah.

Here is my little monkey friend. He came knocking on my door one day looking for work. I asked him if he would mind holding the bananas for me and he said it was no problem. Luckily, he has a very strong tail. I love him like my own son. His name is Gabe.

Hey Alicia, do I remind you of anyone?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday March 7, 2006

Hi. Well, the server is not downloading my pics today, I tried twice and got the ole, "This page could not be found, blah blah blah". I'm really T.O.'d. Well, I'll try it again tomorrow night.

Hey Melissa, it's good to hear you're liking the gym. Since you'll be "old" soon, it's really great that you're lifting weights, that helps keep your bone density high. (If you're old, I wonder what I am - makes me scared just thinking about it!)

A big Hey to Sue G. I'm going to be posting a pic of our favorite kitchen monkey soon, he's just so darn cute, we must share him with the world. Keep an eye out for that.

Welcome home to Kathy and Danny, I think their Florida trip went well (except for that horrible bird flu Kathy brought home with her).

Nan, sorry I lost your call last night, I need the torture device website we spoke about, as I didn't write it down. (I'll bet everyone will be wondering about THAT!) Outta room - bye!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fun with Animals

Carla came by with the kids to visit on Saturday. We had a cozy time inside by the fire. Of course, the boys were outside the whole time, and the girls did some trampolining. Here are the girls surrounded by our menagerie.

Adriane and Tangles having a "cute" moment.

Carla and Tangles. Tangles really gets around!

Poor Jeff was simply trying to read the paper. Scarlet and Yoda were having none of that foolishness - newspaper - bah!

Here are the girls warming their tootsies. It's cold on the trampoline in socks.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another day

Here's Sean and AJ playing a video game. The new Ikea coffee table works well as a bench. It's so nice to finally have furniture!!!!

Scarlet put herself in jail. I don't know why, but she walked right behind the stools and stayed there for quite a while. It's cute but sad. Maybe this is self-punishment for something she did that we don't know about.