Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday, March 19th, 2006

Don't tell Jake this pic of him is on the blog. I found it on the internet and thought everyone would be interested to see him in his gear. Remember, mums the word.

Jeff is building a nifty new shed. Here his is spreading the 4 yards of gravel he hauled singlehandedly, to the backyard.

Here is Jeff building the floor. I'll try to post updates on this, so you can chart the shed's progress.

There was a fort in my back room today, with various children and animals inside it. I was allowed a quick peek inside.

This is the outside of the fort. I love the beautiful flowered sheet the boys choose. I think it used to be my mother's. Wow, do I need some art on the wall or what? Quick, someone paint me a picture.

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