Sunday, March 12, 2006

Nash is 4

Saturday was Nash's 4th Birthday! His party was at Chuck E. Cheese, and it was a super blast! Here he is doing his Spidey impression - has he got it goin on or what?

Tearing into one of the many Spiderman themed gifts and.......

blowing out the candles on his Spiderman cake. For those of you that are a little slow, it was a Spiderman party. Now that we're all on the same page, lets see what Sean is doing.

It's game time! Sean is clearly thumbing his nose at either the establishment, or the game. Jeff seems to be gazing to the left of the game, at something on the floor.

Here is Nash showing off his new Spiderman Shirt. Everyone had a super terrific time hanging out with Nash. Thanks for having a birthday and for inviting us!

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