Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday March 7, 2006

Hi. Well, the server is not downloading my pics today, I tried twice and got the ole, "This page could not be found, blah blah blah". I'm really T.O.'d. Well, I'll try it again tomorrow night.

Hey Melissa, it's good to hear you're liking the gym. Since you'll be "old" soon, it's really great that you're lifting weights, that helps keep your bone density high. (If you're old, I wonder what I am - makes me scared just thinking about it!)

A big Hey to Sue G. I'm going to be posting a pic of our favorite kitchen monkey soon, he's just so darn cute, we must share him with the world. Keep an eye out for that.

Welcome home to Kathy and Danny, I think their Florida trip went well (except for that horrible bird flu Kathy brought home with her).

Nan, sorry I lost your call last night, I need the torture device website we spoke about, as I didn't write it down. (I'll bet everyone will be wondering about THAT!) Outta room - bye!

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