Friday, June 02, 2006

Jeff's trip

Bet you thought I'd never post again. It's been a very long time, but I'm back for a spell. Here are some pics of Jeff's trip the Czech Republic. He is not here to describe them, so I will do my best. Okay, this one is some sort of elaborate building, maybe a church. Like you couldn't have deduced that for yourselves.

Next up, we have some street mimes. Fairly self-explanatory - and creepy.

Here, you see a classic, narrow, cobblestoned, European street. The archway in the back is sort of a bonus.

And, another narrow cobblestoned street. Very clean.

This seems to be some sort of tram. Jeff said the trams were everywhere, and inexpensive too. Looks like lots of people ready to hop on.

This concludes todays tour. Tune in next time for another non-exciting blog post.

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