Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sean's Promotion

Okay, Sean has passed 5th grade. The school had a big promotion party/ceremony for the kids. It was a zoo. Also, most of my pics turned out dark, making them unpostable. Here is Sean eating a cupcake in front of a drapey thing. That is NOT a urinal to the right, it's a water fountain - duh.

Posing in his Mr. Man ensemble.

Isn't this a cool cake? There was one for each class. Sean's face is sticking out of the cupcake at the very bottom right.

Sean and Shawn, both looking cool and happy.

Here is one of my dark shots. Sean and the kids were supposed to be singing, but were barely making any sound. These are the same kids that burst your eardrums in the lunchroom. Weird.

Anyway, congrats to Shady Side Elem. 5th grade and good luck in Middle School.

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