Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Charleston 1

We will have to do this in installments. Some of you may know that Jeff and I went to Charleston for a few days. These are the pictures.

Here is the Circular Church, aptly named, because it is round. It also has a bitchin' graveyard.

Some of these graves were from the 1600's, pretty darn old. Oh look, in the bottom of the picture, it looks like a spirit come to call.

Here is a photo of the haunted City Jail. We got to go inside, and it was pretty dismal. It was used from the early 1800's to the 1930's. No running water, nothing on the windows but bars, dank dark and horrible. Of course, in Charleston they don't tear down anything, so here it stands. And directly across the street, what do we have?...........

The public housing projects. So, if you aren't depressed enough to be living in public housing, just glance across the street to the jail for additional reminders of suffering and torment.

More to come.

1 comment:

nancy said...

cool cemetary. Any long ago relatives there? And lets keep the jail thing in perspective.....not supposed to be fun...HELLO!