Sunday, June 17, 2007


Well, here is a not so interesting story. I was sitting out back this morning, with Frannie and Scarlet. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Fran racing toward the hot tub - when I turned to look I saw a red fox chasing her. The fox ran all the way up to the hot tub, saw me and Scarlet, then turned and fled to the neighbors house. This picture is not our fox, but similiar.

Ours was cuter, more reddish and not quite as sly looking. Anyway, I thought the kitties would be safe outside, so long as I was out there to watch them. Alas, I was wrong. I suppose the fox will try to eat my cats, so I should hate it - but I don't. I feel sort of sorry for it - it must be hard to be a wild fox in todays world. I am naming him (or her) "Slinkey".

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