Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Party

Last Saturday we had beautiful weather, plus, family in town from Florida. It was the perfect time for a party, and several of my family members came by. This picture gives you an idea of how fun the day was. Does this look staged to anyone?

Uh-oh, there goes the lampshade.

Here is Jake's graduation cake, modeled after his helmet (but a lot cleaner).

Sara, Kathy and Sue. They are so cute together!

Mary toasting for the camera.

Getting liquored up for fake.

Did you know Melissa could play the piano? All we were missing were stoneware jugs with several "x"'s on them, and a couple of hound dogs.

By the way, nice tonsils Em!!!!


Eggme said...

Great party

Melissa said...

There was nothing staged about those pics!!!! We were totally having an awesome piano party!

nancy said...

I have to agree with Mo.I mean just the thought of us staging those silly photos is simply crazy.You dont have to cover for her anymore. Just consider the cat being out of the bag now. But she does promise when she gets home to seek help. We are all behind you Melissa. Be strong