Sunday, July 01, 2007

Chef in Training

Sean attend Vo-Tech camp last week. The two areas he studied were "Culinary Arts" and "Welding". I was able to peek into the former, but not the latter.

This is the kitchen they worked in. That's Sean in the hat. No one else was wearing a hat...hmmm.

A now hatless Sean showing off his snazzy pizza dough.

That's his teacher in the white coat. He was very nice and the kids were quiet and studious. There was no acting up, which means they all really wanted to be there.

Here, Sean is trimming the fat off a piece of chicken. I hope that's not sassy, back talk chicken. Because if it is....... must be beaten into submission.

Actually, they were making Chicken Cordon Bleu, so he is pounding the living daylights out of a chicken breast, per his teacher's instructions.

By the way, I ate a lot of the stuff he made and am now about 7 pounds heavier for my trouble.

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