Saturday, July 07, 2007

July 4th continues

After the parade, we went to the Capt. Salem Avery museum for their 4th Celebration. There was a children's craft table set up and we just couldn't pull Nan away. Here is Sara modeling the visor that Nan decorated for her.

Sean with his 3rd Place Pie Contest Ribbon. I actually made the pie and put Sean's name on it. Needless to say, he was a bit surprised when his name was called. teehee.

They had a bunch of local politicians doing the judging.

Sean and Jeff were both working the hamburger/hotdog booth. Jeff was cooking and Sean was selling and taking money. No rest for the weary.

Sean in a sack.

I was so tired when I took this picture, I could barely keep my eyes open. Can you tell?

Sean hopped to Jasper, handed off the bag, and here is Jasper hopping back. They were both fast, but there was trouble getting in and out of the sack and it slowed them down. Doesn't matter - everyone was a winner!

Jake went to the Quik-E-Mart and bought Sean a box of KrustyO's cereal and some Buzz cola. What a nice brother. I, in turn, bought Jake some hair gel. It's called "paying it forward".

posted by Amy


Eggme said...

Ammmmy; I think I owe you one...One bad pic cuz the one you posted of me sucks :p

nancy said...

i want some Krusty a sista out