Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cute Cats

Hi People. Well, I have some cutie-cute cat pictures for you. I know SOME of you are ready to scroll away from these pics, because they are the equivilent of boring, old vacation slides. Well, settle in, because here we go.

This is Yoda yawning in his sleep. I like that his head is resting on the pillow so nicely.

Yoda sleeping like the angel he is. All that's missing is the halo.

He was up on the cabinets chasing a huge fly. He wanted that fly SO BAD, but he never got it. I usually don't allow him up there, but, I'm a pushover.

"Maybe if I'm still enough, it will fly right to me", thought Yoda.

Here is Fran hiding in her "hole". This was the same day she was chased by that horrible fox.

See, that wasn't so bad. Props to all my cat-loving friends. To the rest of you...well....even my dog loves cats, so maybe there is hope for you too.

Catch you later!

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